‘Chasing Chaos: :The Story Of Dr Ian Norton’ is film by Australian filmmaker, Andrew Hyde of Exposure Productions. The film follows the story of Dr. Ian Norton, a prolific figure in the medical world who has been the cause of many developments in the medical world globally. From creating the world standard ‘Blue Book’, a guide for governments on how and what to enact aid for both local and international crises.
My portion of work on the production included Still Photography, Drone Video, Sound Recording for on-camera interviews and B-roll Filming - commissioned by Exposure Productions for Escapade Media.
“This is a film of hope. Dr. Ian Norton is the medical lynchpin in apocalyptic zones of disaster and crisis. In this exclusive documentary he opens up for the first time about his mission to find a new way to respond to disaster, by drafting the set of international protocols, known as, The Blue Book. His aim: to set minimum international medical standards and empower local communities, becomes the foundation for humanitarian emergency response across 130 countries. Dr. Norton has literally drafted the rule book that is saving lives on a global scale.” - Escapade Media